
Woodland Pulp LLC

  Woodland Pulp LLC

151 Perkins Way
Florenceville, New Brunswick
E7L 3P6

 Business hours :

       Monday to Thursday : 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

       Friday : 7:00 am to 3:00 pm



  • Maple, Birch, Ash, Poplar, Basswood and Beech;
  • Max. 10% Poplar mixed with hardwood.


  • 12' to 50'.


  • Min. 4" at top;
  • Max. 25'' at large end and all over the log;
  • All diameter measurements are inside the bark.


  • Stems that cannot be debarked because of excessive crooks, doglegs or forks are culls and will be rejected;
  • Knots and butts must be cut flush with the bolt;
  • Stems must be able to pass through an 8' cylinder 25'' in diameter;
  • No foreign material, plastic, softwood brush and burned or charred are unacceptable;
  • Rot should be kept to a minimum. Firm heart and hollow heart as long as there is 3'' of sound wood surrounding the hole are acceptable.
  • No wood more than 3 months old;
  • All oak deliveries must have prior approval of a forester;
  • No discounts or deductions will be made for defects, but if in the Scaler's judgment the load does not meet the above Wood Quality Specifications, the load will not be accepted.



  • Maple, Birch, Ash, Oak, Poplar, Basswood and Beech;
  • Max. 10% Poplar mixed with hardwood.


  • 8' to 18'.


  • Min. 2" at top;
  • Max. 30'' at large end and all over the log;
  • All diameter measurements are inside the bark.


  • Stems that cannot be debarked because of excessive crooks, doglegs or forks are culls and will be rejected;
  • Knots and butts must be cut flush with the bolt;
  • Excessive butt flare not acceptable. Maximum acceptable is a 3'' vertical rise in the first 6'' of the butt section;
  • Stems must be able to pass through an 8' cylinder 30'' in diameter;
  • No foreign material, plastic, softwood brush and burned or charred are unacceptable;
  • Rot equivalent to one-third of the diameter is acceptable;
  • No wood more than 3 months old and must be cut from live trees;
  • All oak deliveries must have prior approval of a forester;
  • The 8' wood needs to be hauled separate from the long wood due to the wood handling system at Woodland.
  • No discounts or deductions will be made for defects, but if in the Scalers judgment the load does not meet the above Wood Quality Specifications, the load will not be accepted.


Delivery is to the Carleton-Victoria Marketing Board lumber yard located at 151 Perkins Way, Florenceville, NB, E7L 3P6 and payment will be made by the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board.

The prices listed on the site are the prices you receive.

This information may not be up to date so please contact the Marketing Board at 506-548-8958 before a wood delivery.


  Contact Info

Denis Berube

Phone: (207) 427-1075

Email: denis.berube@igic.com

  Price Specification

Click on the button below to view the price specification

Woodland Pulp LLC Prices